
The Basics of Domino


Originally called domino or mask, the game is played by putting down a tile on a table. The player who has the highest number of points wins the game. Depending on the game type, there are various ways to score. For example, in most games, pips are awarded on the opposing player’s tiles.

A common domino set has 28 tiles. The first tile is usually double-six. The second tile is six-five, the third tile is four-five, and the fourth tile is five-five. In some versions, the second and fourth tiles are played horizontally. In other versions, the first and third tiles are played vertically. In either case, the first player lays down the tile with the most points in his or her hand.

The game was brought to England in the late 18th century by French prisoners of war. Traditionally, European dominoes are made of dark hardwood or bone. They also use ebony or ivory. However, in the early 19th century, craftsmen abandoned animal bones in favor of bone-like materials. Plastics were also used to make dice and chessmen. In the late 19th century, Parkesine plastic was introduced. This was later discarded due to its flammability.

Some games use the number of pips in a losing player’s hand to calculate the winner. Others use a score sheet. In either case, the winning player is awarded points equal to the number of pips in the losing player’s hand.

When a player’s hand is empty, he or she may draw from the unused tiles. The player can choose to add the tiles to any line of play. The player can also add one or two tiles to the line he or she has already drawn. In some versions, additional tiles can only be placed on the long side of the double. In other versions, all four sides of the double are considered open.

In most domino games, the player who has the highest score wins. Depending on the game, the point limit may be 150 or 200. There are also variants that allow bonus conditions, such as a set number of points or an extra game. These variants are often played with four players paired in teams. A team is considered the winner when it has the least number of spots on the dominoes. The game can be played until the point limit is reached.

Most domino games are played in a block manner. The player must first draw a tile from the deck, then place it on the table in such a way that it touches one end of the domino chain. The second player must then play the tile to the right of six-six. The third player must play a tile vertically. In other games, the player must place the tile perpendicular to the double at the middle.

Most domino games are played in pairs, but there are variations that allow a player to play alone. A “chicken foot” is one of these variants. In this game, the player must answer “double” with an appropriate tile. In some versions, the player may also be required to chip out to ensure that the winning team wins.