
What is Domino?


Domino is the name of a game, but it’s also an architectural form. This is because the pieces of a domino set are rectangular blocks with a line down the middle and an arrangement of dots, called “pips,” on one end. Each pips represents the value of a particular number, from zero to six. The most common commercially available domino sets have 28 tiles. Larger sets exist, but they are typically used for games that involve many players or for playing long domino chains.

The most popular type of domino play falls into two main categories: blocking games and scoring games. Blocking games use the dominoes to construct lines that are either straight or angular. When the first domino in a line is tipped over, it triggers the next domino to fall and so on, creating a chain of falling pieces. Dominoes can be stacked on end in a long line to make intricate designs, and they can also be arranged in an octagonal shape.

Each domino is numbered on the pips, and there are six of them in a traditional double-six set. Each piece also features a blank end, or a 0 end. A typical domino is rectangular and about 2 inches long, 1 inch wide and 3/8 inch thick.

In the past, dominoes were hand-made, but now they are manufactured with high-precision molds. They can be purchased in stores and online. Most dominoes are made from a hard material such as bone, ceramic or resin, but plastic and wood are also common. Some companies offer specialty shapes, colors and textures.

Some domino games involve multiple players, and each player draws a certain number of tiles from the remaining set (the “boneyard”). The first player, usually determined by drawing lots or by who holds the heaviest hand, places the first domino on the table. The players then draw and play their tiles in turn, usually placing them edge to edge. The first player to play all of the tiles in his hand wins the round and may declare victory.

There are hundreds of different ways to play the game, but most involve matching the ends of a domino in a line or in an octagonal shape. Each domino has an identifying mark on one side and is blank or identically patterned on the other. Some pieces have a single pips or numbers on their 0 ends; others have multiple pips, in varying arrangements and combinations.

The earliest known domino game was invented in the mid-18th century in Italy and France. The game was imported into England at the time of the French Revolution, and by the mid-19th century, it was a popular pastime among upper class families.

In modern times, Domino’s Pizza is one of the best-known domino brands. The company employs thousands of people, and it uses the latest technology to deliver its products. For example, some customers can place orders by texting a code to the Domino’s phone number. Others can order via Amazon Echo or by using a Domino’s app. The company is also experimenting with self-driving delivery vehicles.